Author Details

Jędruszczak, Maria, Agricultural Academy in Lublin

  • Vol 43, No 1-2 (1990) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Zbiorowiska roślinne ściernisk Lubelszczyzny Cz. III. Zbiorowiska siedlisk bogatych i wilgotnych [Plant communities of stubble-fielde in the Lublin region. P.llI. Plant communities of rich and humid sites]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 43, No 1-2 (1990) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    The development of weeds sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) fields depending on the weeding method used
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 43, No 1-2 (1990) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Zbiorowiska roślinne ściernisk Lubelszczyzny. Cz. IV. Charakterystyka porównawcza zbiorowisk ścierniskowych [Stubble-field plant communities in the Lublin region. P. IV. A comparison of the characteristic of stubble-field plant communities]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 42, No 1-2 (1989) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Zbiorowiska roślinne ściernisk Lubelszczyzny. Cz. I. Zbiorowiska siedlisk ubogich [Plant communities of stubble-fields in the Lublin Region. P. I. Plant communities of poor sites]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 42, No 1-2 (1989) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Zbiorowiska roślinne ściernisk Lubelszczyzny. Część II. Zbiorowiska siedlisk bogatych, umiarkowanie wilgotnych i suchych [Plant comunities of stubble-fields in the Lublin Region. P. II. Plant communities of rich, moderately humid and dry sites]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 39, No 1 (1986) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Weed infestation of cereal stubble-fields in the Lublin region
    Abstract  PDF