Author Details

Kowal, Tadeusz, Medical Academy in Wrocław

  • Vol 12 (1961) - Monographs processed outside the current editorial system
    Studia nad morfologią i anatomią nasion Portulacaceae Rchb. [Morphology and anatomy of the seeds in Portulacaceae Rchb.]
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  • Vol 6 (1958) - Monographs processed outside the current editorial system
    Studia nad morfologją owoców europejskich rodzajów Scirpoideae Pax, Phynchosporoideae Aschers, et Graebner i części Caricoideae Pax [A Study on the Morphology of Fruits of European Genera from the Subfamilies Scirpoideae Pax, Phynchosporoideae Aschers, et Graebner and Some Genera of Caricoideae Pax]
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  • Vol 1 (1953) - Monographs processed outside the current editorial system
    Klucz do oznaczania nasion rodzajów Chenopodium L. i Atriplex L. [A key for the determination of the seeds of the genera Chenopodium L. and Atriplex L.]
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