The lichen genus Stereocaulon (Schreb.) Hoffm. in Poland – a taxonomic and ecological study

Magdalena Oset


The monograph includes the results of research of the taxonomy, chemistry, ecology and distribution of Stereocaulon alpinum, S. botryosum, S. condensatum, S. dactylophyllum, S. evolutum, S. incrustatum, S. nanodes, S. paschale, S. pileatum, S. saxatile, S. subcoralloides, S. spathuliferum, S. taeniarum, S. tomentosum and S. vesuvianum in Poland. 1823 specimens from Polish and some European herbaria were examinated. The occurrance of S. spathuliferum has not been confirmed during this study, therefore its status in Poland remains unknown. During the study three lectotypes were designated. The lichenicolous fungi, Cercidospora stereocaulorum and Roselliniella stereocaulorum on Stereocaulon were also noted. A key to known Stereocaulon taxa in Poland, including S. spathuliferum is provided.


lichenized Ascomycota; Stereocaulaceae; taxonomy; lichen chemistry; diversity; Poland

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Polish Botanical Society