Contribution to the Knowledge of Fungi of the Kampinos National Park (Central Poland): Part 4 – With Particular Emphasis on the Species Occurring on Windthrown Trees

Andrzej Szczepkowski, Błażej Gierczyk, Tomasz Ślusarczyk, Anna Kujawa


This paper presents 18 species of fungi that are new to the Kampinos National Park and their buffer zone. Seventeen of these species were found during studies on wind-damaged areas after the forest was damaged in 2017. One species new to Poland has been described and illustrated (Odonticium septocystidiatum). A few of the species recorded (Ciliolarina cfr. laricina, Daldinia petriniae, Pseudovalsa umbonata, Spongipellis litschaueri) are very rare in Poland and hitherto mentioned from single localities in the country. Two species from the Polish red list of macrofungi were recorded in the Kampinos National Park for the first time – namely, Punctularia strigosozonata (E) and Trichaptum biforme (R). The current number of macromycete taxa known from Kampinos National Park has reached a total of 1,630.


Ascomycota; Basidiomycota; fungal biota; ecological disturbance; windfall

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Polish Botanical Society