The vascular plant species of the Krugłe Bagno aquatic peatland complex (Łęczna – Włodawa Lakeland)

Barbara Banach, Magdalena Pogorzelec, Artur Serafin, Agnieszka Szczurowska, Alicja Buczek


This paper presents the richness of vascular plant species of the Krugłe Bagno aquatic peatland complex and its structure.

A field study was carried out in the growing seasons of 2008–2010.

The aim of the study was to determine the species richness of the flora and its characteristics as well as to document changes in its composition taking place in successive years of the study.

Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the stability of the qualitative and quantitative structure of the phytocoenoses and abiotic environmental factors bodes well for the maintenance of this aquatic peatland complex in good condition. However, due to the specificity of its species composition (a large proportion of stenobiontic species), it seems advisable to monitor regularly the biotic and abiotic conditions of this habitat.


vascular plant species; peatland plants; dynamic trends; Krugłe Bagno

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Polish Botanical Society