Table of Contents
Pleurotus vetlinianus Dom., sp. now
St. Domański
Gasometric method of volume determination of intercellular spaces in plant tissues
J. Czerski
Diurnal changes in the composition of gas from the intercellular spaces of maize leaves (Zeamays L.)
J. Woroszylska
Z badań nad mechanizmem działania ultradźwięków. I. Wpływ ultradźwięków na wczesne fazy kiełkowania, zawartość związków fosforu i aktywność ß-glicerofosfatazy [Research on the mechanism of action of the ultrasounds. I. The influence of ultrasounds on the early stages of germination, the phosphorus compounds content and ß-glycerophosphatase activity]
B. Halicz, W. Maciejewska-Potapczykowa, K. Zaleska
Interaction between auxin, kinetin and citric acid in relation to apical dominance
M. Giertych
Megasporogenesis, ovule and embryo sac development in Carex aristata R. Br. var. cujavica
W. Gręzicka
Growth response of coleoptile sections of several Polish varieties of wheat to some growth-regulators
T. Wodzicki, L. Witkowska-Żuk
Metabolism of exci,sed embryos of Lupinus luteus L. IV. In vitro growth as compared with in vitro growth of germ axes, decotylized at different phases of germination
J. Czosnowski, J. Michejda
Wykrywanie giberelin A1–A4 na chromatogramach [The detection of gibberellins A1-A4 on chromatograms]
A. Adamiec, L. Pass, P. Wierzchowski
Experimental investigations on the variability of Riccia gougetiana and Riccia ciliifera from Czecho-Slovakia
J. Szweykowski, M. Mendelak
Enzymatyczne przemiany niektórych alkaloidów Lupinus albus in vitro i in vivo. Część I. Przemiany in vitro [Enzymatic transformations in vitro and in vivo of alkaloids of Lupinus albus. I. Transformations in vitro]
E. Nalborczyk
Segmentation patterns in root apices
F. A. Clowes
Sugars and osmotic value of the sap surrounding the embryo in developing ovules (dicotyledonous perennial plants)
M. Ryczkowski
Photosynthesis, translocation and accumulation of assimilates in cereals during grain development. IV. The contribution of products of current photosynthesis after heading to the accumulation of organic compounds in the grain of spring wheat
H. Birecka, L. Dakić-Włodkowska
The influence of roots on the translocation of photosynthates P. I.
Z. Starck
Regeneracja gametofitu i rozmnażanie wegetatywne Mnium punclaium (Schreb.) Hedw. [Regeneration of the gametophyte and vegetative propagation in Mnium punctatum (Schreb.) Hedw.]
M. Misiura
Correlation between the Holocene history of the Carpinus betulus and Prehistorie Settlement in North Poland
M. Ralska-Jasiewicz
Tertiary coprolites imitating fruits of the Araliaceae
M. Łańcucka-Środoniowa