Can Macrofungal Biodiversity Predict Forest Status and Dynamics? A View From South European Mediterranean Forests (Italy)

Elia Ambrosio, Alan Feest


Fungi are among the most important organisms on earth, and they are essential components of terrestrial ecosystems. Their reproductive structures are strictly dependent and affected by environmental conditions, and community dynamics over time and space may be indirect indicators of the health status of forests. We combined macrofungal biodiversity indices in eight Mediterranean forests in Italy and surveyed 160 plots by standardized surveys, to evaluate the role of macrofungi as early predictors of change in the forest structure. The results show that indices of fungal diversity are influenced by geographic and floristic conditions, and inter- and intra-annual temperature and rainfall fluctuations affect the formation of fungal fruiting bodies. These findings suggest that environmental changes could be reflected by macrofungi, and conservation initiatives should consider the pivotal role that fungi play in biodiversity monitoring.


environmental impact; macrofungi; biodiversity indices; standardized surveys; Mediterranean forests

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