Contribution to Knowledge of Mycobiota of the Wielkopolski National Park (W Poland), Part 2

Błażej Gierczyk, Anna Kujawa, Tomasz Ślusarczyk


Wielkopolski National Park is a protected area located in central Wielkopolska, near Poznań City, and is an important refuge to numerous valuable species of plants, fungi, and animals. Through 2019, the project to recognize and catalog the macromycetes of this Park was continued. The current paper presents the results of these studies in the form of an annotated list of the recorded species. One hundred and eighty-nine taxa new for Wielkopolski National Park have been identified. Among these, nine are new to Poland (Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum, Agaricus moellerianus, Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum, Entoloma terreum, Flammulina populicola, Leucoagaricus sublittoralis, Marasmius anomalus var. microsporus, Phaeohelotium rufescens, and Tulasnella danica). The current number of fungal taxa found in this park is 1,122.


Ascomycota; Basidiomycota; new regional reports; new country reports

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