Microfungal diversity of Juncus trifidus L. and Salix herbacea L. at isolated locations in the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains

Brayan Jacewski, Jacek Urbaniak, Paweł Kwiatkowski, Wojciech Pusz


During cold periods in the Pleistocene Epoch, many plants known as the “relict species” migrated and inhabited new areas. Together with plants, some microfungi also migrated, remaining present on plants and in plant communities. However, the relationship between fungi and the migrating plants (especially host plants) is not well understood. Therefore, we examined the diversity and distribution of microfungi associated with two migratory relict plants in the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains: Salix herbacea L. and Juncus trifidus L. In total, we found 17 taxa of fungi that were collected from nine different locations. Nine fungal taxa were collected on S. herbacea, and eight taxa on J. trifidus. Localities richest of fungi on S. herbacea were Mały Śnieżny Kocioł (Karkonosze Mts, Sudetes) and on J. trifidus, the Tatra Mts (Carpathian Mts). This work provides new insights into the distribution of fungi inhabiting S. herbacea and J. trifidus in Poland.


biodiversity; relict-associated microfungi; mountains; Juncus; Salix; Central Europe

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Polish Botanical Society