The first record of Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.) With. on Castanea sativa Mill. in Poland

Jacek Piętka, Wojciech Ciurzycki


This paper discusses details of the locality of Fistulina hepatica recorded on Castanea sativa, a new host species in Poland. Since 2014, F. hepatica has been featured on the list of species under partial protection, and has been marked as “R” (rare species) on the “Red list of the macrofungi in Poland”. A new locality of F. hepatica has been found in Warsaw, in the Mokotów neighborhood, on the premises of the Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of the Interior and Administration. Two basidiomata of F. hepatica were discovered at the base of a declining sweet chestnut tree.


protection of fungi; wood-decaying fungi; Warsaw; central Poland

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Polish Botanical Society