Microfungi of the Tatra Mountains. Part 7. Correction of some data from herbaria and the literature

Monika Kozłowska, Wiesław Mułenko, Kamila Bacigálová, Agata Wołczańska, Urszula Świderska-Burek, Magdalena Pluta


The Tatra Mts are located on the border of two countries – Poland and Slovakia. It is a unique, extremely geobotanically-differentiated region, protected by law and listed on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve List as an internationally recognized area. Due to the high nature values of the Tatra Mts, varied research, including mycological, has been intensively conducted on this area for many years. The first data on the microscopic fungi of the Tatras comes from to the second half of the nineteenth century and spans more than 150 years. Currently, the critical list of microfungi is being prepared concerning species published up to date from the whole Tatra range (the Polish and Slovakian parts), and also the adjacent areas. During detailed study of the available mycological literature, many erroneous citations of the original data or incorrect interpretations of these records were noted. Often, this faulty data was also reproduced in subsequent publications.

The aim of this study was to correct some of the data published in the cited literature. In the paper, 68 fungal species were mentioned, including 29 species of Ascomycota and 39 species of Basidiomycota. Additionally, some information about the plants – the fungal hosts – has also been corrected.


fungi; checklist; distribution; Western Carpathians, Tatra National Park; Poland; Slovakia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/am.1081

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