Leratiomyces ceres (Strophariaceae, Basidiomycota), new to Poland

Marek Halama, Katarzyna Górka


Leratiomyces ceres, an extra-European species hitherto unknown in Poland, was identified in a public park in Rybnik City (SW Poland). The first Polish collections of the fungus were studied using macroscopic and microscopic features. A brief description and illustration of the species, based on Polish specimens, are presented. The ecology and characteristics distinguishing L. ceres from related Leratiomyces species are also discussed.


Stropholoma aurantiacum; Stropharia aurantiaca; Psilocybe aurantiaca; alien invasive species; woodchip fungi; Upper Silesia; Europe

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/am.1131

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