Author Details

Borecka, H., Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Skierniewice

  • Vol 39, No 2 (1986) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    The quality of sweet cherries stored under hypobaric conditions
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 35, No 2 (1982) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Porównanie patogeniczności, wzrostu, zarodnikowania i cech morfologicznych różnych izolatów grzyba Pezicula alba Guthrie (Gloeosporium album Osterw.) [Comparison of the pathogenicity, growth, sporulation and morphology of Pezicula alba Guthrie (Gloeosporium album Osterw.)]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 35, No 2 (1982) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Wytwarzanie patuliny przez różne izolaty grzyba Penicillium expansum (Link) Thom [Production of patulin by various isolates of Penicillium expansum (Link) Thom]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 35, No 2 (1982) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Rola rodzaju i wieku inokulum w rozwoju plamy gnilnej Penicillium expansum (Link) Thom na przechowywanych jabłkach [Influence of the kind and age of the inoculum on the development of rot caused by Penicillium expansum (Link) Thom on stored apples]
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 35, No 2 (1982) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Effect of tomato post-harvest treatment and storage conditions on the biological activity of benomyl and methylthiophanate residues in fruits and their processed products
    Abstract  PDF