Occurrence of Arnoseris minima (L.) Schweigger et Koerte (Asteraceae) in Podlasie province (north-eastern Poland)

Anna Bomanowska, Wojciech Adamowski, Dan Wołkowycki


New localities of Arnoseris minima (L.) Schweigger et Koerte (Asteraceae) in the Podlasie region (NE Poland) are presented. The current distribution of the species was established on the basis of the authors’ floristic field studies, revised herbarium materials, published data, and unpublished sources. The collected data enabled us to revise the map of the species’ distribution in the Podlasie region and supplement it with another new 17 localities. The previously established geographic range of species in Poland can now be moved by about 30 km eastwards and 50 km northwards. The identification of new locations of A. minima on the border of its continuous geographical range becomes important in the context of the declining number of localities of this species recently observed across almost the whole of Europe.


arable weed; distribution; geographical range; Poland

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/aa.2015.029

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Polish Botanical Society