Evaluation of growth and flowering of historical cultivars of Rosa gallica L. growing in the National Collection of Rose Cultivars in the Polish Academy Of Science Botanical Garden in Powsin

Marta J. Monder


Rosa gallica is a native species under strict protection and its cultivars are practically unknown in Poland. The aim of the observations was to evaluate the possibilities of growing the studied cultivars in the climate of Central Poland. In the years 2000–2012, observations were conducted of shrubs derived from the French rose (R. gallica L.) gathered in the Collection of Rose Cultivars of the PAS Botanical Garden CBDC in Powsin, Poland. 13 cultivars were studied: ‘Ambroise Paré’, ‘Belle Herminie’, ‘Camaïeux’, ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’, ‘Charles de Mills’, ‘Complicata’, ‘Duchesse d’Angoulême’, ‘Duchesse de Montebello’, ‘Officinalis’, ‘Splendens’, ‘Tuscany Superb’, ‘Versicolor’, and ‘Violacea’. Every year, frost damage to shrubs, the date of bud breaking and leaf development as well as the dates of initial, full and final flowering were recorded and the presence of symptoms of damage from diseases was observed. During the observation years, periods of weather conditions unfavorable for roses often occurred, both in autumn-winter-spring and in summer. Only small differences were observed in winter hardiness, development during the growing season, and blooming period. The majority of the studied rose cultivars overwinter without frost damage, even through severe winters. The shrubs begin their growth late, usually until the second half of April. Gallicas start flowering early, in the third decade of May – first decade of June. Most Gallicas should find a wider application as shrubs or hedges for parks, green areas in cities, historical places, or home gardens. They are recommendable for their high resistance to frost and diseases as well as for their small size.


Botanical Garden; Rosa gallica; shrub roses; historical roses; frost damages; greenery

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/aa.2014.036

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Polish Botanical Society