Weed communities in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crops of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park

Maria Ługowska, Teresa Skrajna


This paper presents a description of segetal communities in potato crops cultivated in the Masovian Landscape Park. The communities were analysed based on 64 phytosociological relevés made at 45 localities. 4 associations were found in the study area, that is, Digitarietum ischaemi, Echinochloo-Setarietum, Galinsogo-Setarietum, and Lamio-Veronicetum politae. Phytocenoses representing the associations Digitarietum ischaemi and Echinochloo-Setarietum were most varied floristically. Lower syntaxonomical units were determined within these associations, that is, subassociations and variants. These phytocenoses were frequently found; they occurred in various habitats characterized by different trophic and moisture conditions. Patches of the association Lamio-Veronicetum polita were rare and they occurred only on fertile soils and on small areas.


root crops; weed communities; biodiversity of weeds; Mazowiecki Landscape Park

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/aa.2013.014

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Polish Botanical Society