Instructions to authors

We encourage the submission of original high-quality papers in Polish or English from all fields of dendrology. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere except in a preliminary form. Papers accepted for publication but not yet published should be referred to as “in press”. The papers may report the results of original research in all aspects of anatomy; morphology; taxonomy; ecology; geobotany; introduction and acclimatization; ethnobotany; material culture; and history of forests and of dendrological collections. Descriptions of interesting parks, arboreta etc. can also be submitted except those containing detailed documentations or solely lists of common woody species. Short notes; literature reviews; obituary notices; reports from scientific events; and information on the activities of the Dendrological Section of the Polish Botanical Society are also accepted.
The manuscript should not exceed 25 printed pages including illustrations (longer papers can be accepted upon earlier agreement from the Editors). The original papers must be submitted in two computer-generated copies, with all margins of 2.5 cm and double spacing throughout, using the Times New Roman 12 type. Using bold face is discouraged, italics may only be used for Latin plant names which must be given according to rules of Nomenclature Codes for both wild and cultivated plants.

Components of the manuscripts:
- The heading should include names of authors; a title (up to 15 words) in Polish and in English; the addresses of the authors including e-mail address of the corresponding author.
- Abstract in English should be concise, it is unnecessary in short reports and reviews.
- Key words — usually 3-5 words which, if possible, should not repeat words from the title.
- Illustrations, tables and captions (in Polish and in English) should be given on separate pages with consecutive numbering; their position in the text should be clearly marked on margins. The size of tables cannot exceed one printed page. The copyright of the authors of illustrations, particularly photographs and drawings, should be declared.
- Two copies of high-quality photographs on glossy paper or their electronic versions should be submitted (formats .tif, .bmp, .pcx with the resolution of at least 300 dpi).
- References — different papers in the same year by the same author should be distinguished as (Smith 2000a), (Smith 2000b) etc. Journal names should be given in full (not abbreviated). In the main text the citation of papers by two or more authors should contain the name of the first author followed by et al. (Smith et al.). If typed manuscripts or papers issued as manuscripts are cited (e.g. doctoral theses or park inventories) the places (libraries) where they are available should be given. Translations must be provided with translators’s name. The following standard of references will be accepted:
- Books: KRUSSMAN G. (transl. by Epp M.E.). 1984. Manual of cultivated Broad-Leaves Trees & Shrubs, 1 (A-D). Timber Press, Beaverton.
- A chapter from a book written by different co-authors - BALL P.W., 1993. Viscum L. In: Flora Europaea, 1. Tutin T.G., Burges N.A., Charter A.O., Edmonson J.R., Heywood V.H., Moore D.M., Valentine D.H., Walters S.M., Webb D.A. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 72-73.
- Papers in proceedings: PIETRZAK M., 1992. Model i typologia antropogenicznej granicy lasu. In: Funkcjonowanie i waloryzacja krajobrazu — ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa (in Polish) (Chmielewski T.J., Richling A., Wojciechowski K.H., eds.), Lublin 21-22.1991: 103-105.
- Internet sources — CESKA A., 1999. Rubus armenicus — a correct name for Himalayan blackberries. Bot. Electr. News 230.
- Articles — CZEKALSKI M., 1994. Okazale szakłaki pospolite - Rhamnus cathartica L. - w parku wiejskim Dąbrówka koło Poznania (in Polish). Rocznik Dendrologiczny 42:115-119.

The deadline for manuscript submission is July 31. After receiving a review authors are asked to return within a month the final corrected version of the paper and its electronic version (Word compatible formats .doc or .rtf), with a response to the review.
Submitted papers may be returned to the authors if they fail to follow the journal’s standard format. According to the decision of the Main Board of the Polish Botanical Society the cost of printing is partially charged to the authors (the invoices are issued by the Main Board); the whole cost of printing of the color photographs is charged to the author. The author receives one copy of the Yearbook with its electronic version in the .pdf format.