Author Details

Maciejewska-Potapczykowa, W., University of Łódź

  • Vol 41, No 3 (1972) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Callus induction and growth of tissue cultures derived from cucumber plant organs of four different sex types
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 33, No 2 (1964) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Z badań nad mechanizmem działania ultradźwięków. I. Wpływ ultradźwięków na wczesne fazy kiełkowania, zawartość związków fosforu i aktywność ß-glicerofosfatazy [Research on the mechanism of action of the ultrasounds. I. The influence of ultrasounds on the early stages of germination, the phosphorus compounds content and ß-glycerophosphatase activity]
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  • Vol 26, No 2 (1957) - Articles processed outside the current editorial system
    Działanie kinetyny wyizolowanej z kwasu dezoksyrybonuklei nowego (z grasicy) na tkanki roślinne (część I) [The effect of kinetin isolated from thymus DNA on plant tissues (part I)]
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