Polish Palaeobotany: 750 Million Years of Plant History as Revealed in a Century of Studies. Research on the Paleogene and Neogene (Tertiary)

Barbara Słodkowska, Maria Ziembińska-Tworzydło


On overview of over a hundred years of history of Polish palaeobotanical research on the Paleogene and Neogene (formerly Tertiary) is provided. Profiles of the researchers who laid the foundations for the development of paleofloristic research are presented. In particular, we describe individuals who have made significant research contributions, including M. Raciborski, J. Zabłocki, M. Kostyniuk, H. Czeczott, and W. Szafer. Research centers that were revived after World War II gathered scientists who continued and extended work in the field, including M. Łańucka-Środońowa, J. Oszast, A. Skirgiełło, J. Doktorowicz-Hrebnicka, J. Stachurska, and J. Mamczar. This tradition was maintained and developed by researchers of the next generation: L. Stuchlik, E. Zastawniak, A. Sadowska, M. Ziembińska-Tworzydło, I. Grabowska, H. Ważyńska, A. Hummel, Z. Baranowska-Zarzycka, and A. Kohlman-Adamska. Currently, the fourth generation of Polish palaeobotanists, including B. Słodkowska, E. Worobiec, G. Worobiec, P. Gedl, M. Garecka, E. Durska, and R. Kowalski, conduct multifaceted palaeobotanical research, with links to various fields of knowledge, including botany, geology, and palaeoclimatology. Studies of past changes in plant cover provide important insight current climate change.


history; palaeobotany; macroflora; palynology; Paleogene; Neogene

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/asbp.9122

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