65 years of in vitro culture in Poland

Maciej Zenkteler, Elżbieta Zenkteler


This paper is a short review of historical development of the tissue culture method in Poland. Similarly to the rest of the world, in vitro technology in Poland has progressed in many directions simultaneously. Its main fields are closely interconnected by natural sequences of biological processes and integrade one into another. The best results, driven by the prospects of practical applications, have been achieved within the areas of meristem culture and micropropagation of valuable genotypes, somaclonal variation, production of haploids and DH plants, somatic embryogenesis, in vitro culture of embryos and ovules, improvement of plant disease resistance, somatic hybridization and transformation of plants. Due to the fact that in vitro domain is a very broad science the authors are aware that this review might not fully cover all the scientists working with tissue culture and their achievements.


history; plant tissue culture; Poland

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/asbp.2013.022

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