A Revised Catalog of Lichens of Georgia (South Caucasus)

Tsimi Inashvili, Inga Kupradze, Ketevan Batsatsashvili


A revised lichen catalog for Georgia, the South Caucasus, the second after 1986, is presented here. It is based on a literature survey and recent study of herbarium material. The list includes 713 species of lichens and nine species of nonlichenized fungi traditionally treated by lichenologists. As a basis for the present catalog, 106 literature sources reporting the first findings of the listed taxa in floristic regions of Georgia were used. The accepted taxa in bold are followed by references from the literature, if applicable, as well as references from herbarium specimens seen by us at local and several foreign herbaria. Specimens of the 547 of the 722 reported species are stored in the local herbaria: 542 at the National Herbarium of Georgia, the Institute of Botany, Ilia State University, Tbilisi (TBI), and 94 in the Herbarium of the State Museum of Georgia, Tbilisi (TGM). In each literature citation and herbarium code, the occurrence of respective species in Georgia's floristic regions is given. In addition, a short historical background and comprehensive bibliography are provided.


lichenized fungi; fungi; Ascomycota; biodiversity; the Caucasus

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/am.571

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