Contemporary State of Preservation of the Lichen Biota in the Eastern Part of the “Paprocie Serpentynitowe w Masywie Ślęży” Ecological Area

Maria Terlecka, Katarzyna Szczepańska


The purpose of this study was to assess the contemporary conditions of the lichen biota in the eastern part of the “Paprocie Serpentynitowe w Masywie Ślęży” ecological area in the Sudetes Foothills. The studies were carried out at three localities selected from 10 sites that were designed to protect the Asplenium fern genus. A total of 47 lichen species were found in the three localities. For each of the recorded species, the state of preservation in the Ślęża Massif area was assessed according to three factors: frequency at all three localities, general viability of the thalli, and stability in occurrence on the habitat. Stability was defined based on contemporary and historical data. From the analysis, most of the species (17) were classified as taxa with “moderate preservation status” in the study area. However, the preservation status of the 18 newly recorded taxa was defined as “insufficient data” due to the lack of previous records. Other species received a “very good preservation status” (three taxa) and “good preservation status” (nine taxa). The analyses allowed us to document the current number of taxa, determine their health condition, and indicate trends in the transformation within the lichen biota of the serpentinite rocks in the study area. Moreover, some actions were proposed to actively protect the valuable lichens in the ecological area of “Paprocie Serpentynitowe w Masywie Ślęży.”


lichen forming fungi; biodiversity; serpentinite rocks; Oleszeńskie Hills; Lower Silesia; Poland

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