Fungi of the Wolin National Park – New Data on Macromycetes

Małgorzata Stasińska, Zofia Sotek


The paper contains results of mycological examinations conducted in the Wolin National Park from May to October 2017, and data previously unpublished. Exploration was carried out using the route method in the whole Park, with particular emphasis on its western part. The paper includes 205 taxa (25 from Ascomycota and 180 from Basidiomycota), including 32 new ones for the Wolin National Park. Among the identified taxa, 17 were threatened. The endangered species (Category E) were represented by Aleurodiscus disciformis, Calcipostia guttulata, and Geastrum triplex, the vulnerable species (V) included Inocybe grammata, Inocutis rheades, and Xylobolus frustulatus, and the rare species (R) consisted of 10 taxa, including Helvella lacunosa, Gloeoporus taxicola, Mycena crocata, Plicaturopsis crispa, and Pseudomerulius aureus. Some species are known only from a few sites in Poland, e.g., Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium and C. guttulata. Currently, the number of macromycetes species known from the Wolin National Park is 508.


mycobiota; macrofungi; rare and threatened fungi; protected area; Poland

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