Selected rare and protected macrofungi (Agaricomycetes) as bioindicators of communities of xerothermic vegetation in the Nida Basin

Agnieszka Tomaszewska, Janusz Łuszczyński, Łukasz Lechowicz, Magdalena Chrapek


Results of mycological investigations conducted in xerothermic grasslands of the Nida Basin in the years 1984–2013 are presented. Our research brings up to date the current knowledge on ecological requirements of threatened species of macrofungi. Strong affiliations between macrofungi and specific phytocenoses of the alliances Festuco-Stipion and Seslerio-Festucion duriusculae were detected. A considerable influence of the occurrence of certain species of steppe fungi on the composition of the mycobiota in the Nida Basin was identified.


Gasteromycetes; bioindicators; Nida Basin; thermophilous fungi; correspondence analysis

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