Micromorphological Characteristics of Fruit Surfaces of Some Usable Species of the Genus Valeriana (Valerianaceae) Among Ukrainian Flora

Olga Tsarenko, Galina Shikhaleyeva, Valentyna Minarchenko, Iryna Tymchenko, Olena Bulakh


The micromorphological features of the fruit surfaces of nine species of Ukrainian flora, namely Valeriana tuberosa L., Valeriana tripteris L., Valeriana rossica P. Smirn., Valeriana stolonifera Czern., Valeriana grossheimii Worosch, Valeriana sambucifolia Mikan fil., Valeriana officinalis L. s. str., Valeriana wolgensis Kazak. [Valeriana officinalis var. nitida (Kreyer) Rostanski], and Valeriana simplicifolia (Rchb.) Kabath, were examined. Depending on the presence and localization of pubescence on the surface of the fruit, three groups of species were distinguished: those with glabrous fruits, those with fruits pubescent only on the adaxial side, and those with fruits pubescent on both sides. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the additional characteristics of the fruits (microsculpture of the fruit surface, shape of cuticular formations on the surface of the outer periclinal walls of epidermal cells and on the surface of hairs, and structure of the stomatal complex), which were useful for the identification of the species. At the supraspecific level, the revealed features of the fruit surfaces somewhat overlapped and could be used to identify series and sections only as additional features. Based on the studied samples from herbarium material (KW), V. officinalis var. nitida was considered synonymous with V. wolgensis since there were no micromorphological differences between their fruits. The detailed micromorphological characteristics of the fruit surfaces of all the studied species can be used for further comparative morphological investigations of different aerial parts to identify stable features independent of geographic and ecological conditions.


herbarium specimens; morphology; microsculpture; morphometric data; Ukrainian flora

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/aa.7414

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