Floristic diversity of extensively used fresh meadows (6510) in the Wielki Łęg Obrzański complex

Agnieszka Anna Klarzyńska, Anna Kryszak


One of the habitat types protected within the framework of the NATURA 2000 network due to the presence of species of European importance are fresh meadows from the Arrhenatherion alliance. The maintenance of their characteristic floristic composition depends on habitat conditions and extensive use, while any changes in this respect trigger succession transformations potentially threatening their nature value. 

The aim of the study was to conduct nature and habitat valuation of one of the largest meadow complexes in the Wielkopolska region, i.e. Wielki Łęg Obrzański, which will make it possible to describe the preservation status of fresh meadows and their habitats. 

Based on multifaceted analyses of 535 relevés made using the Braun-Blanquet method in the years 2006–2012 and representing the Arrhenatherion alliance, the phytosociological and botanical structure as well as constancy of species in individual variants (floristic types) were determined. Moreover, their habitat conditions were defined, i.e. soil moisture and nitrogen content using the index method according to Ellenberg, while laboratory methods were used to determine the content of organic matter, soil moisture as well as the contents of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus in soil. 

Floristic composition of fresh meadows from the Arrhenatherion alliance differs due to high heterogeneity of habitat. The presence of fresh meadow phytocenoses both on dried organic soils (the driest forms of flood meadows) and on mineral soils (oak-hornbeam forests) contributes to differences in the floristic composition both in ryegrass meadows and grass–fescue meadows, mainly due to soil moisture and fertility as well as sward use type. This constituted the basis for the identification of lower syntaxonomic units in the internal structure of the plant associations. Five variants were distinguished in Arrhenatheretum elatioris, while the community of Poa pratensisFestuca rubra was developed in as many as 8 variants.


Arrhenatherion; fresh meadows; species diversity; habitat conditions; succession

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