Occurrence and differentiation of Arnoserido-Scleranthetum (Chouard 1925) in the Południowopodlaska Lowland

Zofia Rzymowska, Teresa Skrajna, Janina Skrzyczyńska


The paper presents Arnoserido-Scleranthetum phytocoenoses at the eastern and north-eastern peripheries of their occurrence range and the results of a field study conducted in the Południowopolska Lowland in 1990–2010. The investigations were based on phytosociological relevés made by the Braun-Blanquet method.

The greatest numbers of localities of the analyzed association were found in the mesoregions located in the south-western part of the Południowopolska Lowland, i.e. the Kałuszyn Upland, Węgrów Lowering, Żelechów Upland, the south-western part of the Łuków Plain, and the southern part of the Siedlce Upland. Fewer patches of this association were reported from the eastern and north-eastern part of the Południowopolska Lowland, in particular from the Podlasie Gorge of Bug. With the exception of the latter one, in all the mesoregions the patches of the analyzed association exhibited internal variability reflecting the diversity of habitat moisture conditions, which was manifested by the occurrence of hygrophilous species in the analyzed phytocoenoses. They comprised patches of Arnoserido-Scleranthetum with Illecebrum verticillatum, which are regarded as threatened with extinction in Poland and Europe. The phytocoenoses of Arnoserido-Scleranthetum with the dominance of Anthoxanthum aristatum are particularly noteworthy as a reflection of degenerative changes caused by the mass occurrence of this expansive species.


Arnoseris minima; acidophilic habitats; agrocoenoses; winter cereals; cereal communities; systematic group value

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5586/aa.2015.018

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