Changes in the pollen seasons of Acer spp. in Lublin, central-eastern Poland, in 2001–2015

Elzbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska, Krystyna Piotrowska-Weryszko, Weronika Haratym, Marta Dmitruk, Aneta Sulborska, Nataliya Vorobets


Many plant species respond to the climate change reported in the recent decades, which is confirmed by the results of phenological and aerobiological investigations. This paper presents characteristics of the pollen seasons of Acer spp. revealed by aerobiological analyses performed with the volumetric method in Lublin, Poland in 2001–2015. Additionally, phenological observations of flowering of four Acer species, i.e., A. negundo, A. platanoides, A. campestre, and A. pseudoplatanus, were carried out in 2011–2012.

The results indicate a slight upward trend in the annual totals of Acer pollen grains. Over the last 10 years, the annual totals of Acer pollen grains have increased in comparison to the previous 5-year period. Acceleration of the onset of pollen seasons and the dates of peak days was noted. The comparison of the pollen seasons and flowering phenology of four Acer species indicates that A. negundo and A. platanoides produce the highest concentrations of pollen grains, whereas the pollen of A. campestre and A. pseudoplatanus accounts for a significantly lower proportion of the pollen content in the air of Lublin.


Acer; pollen concentrations; annual totals; phenology of flowering

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